A company made a reading lamp named Lexilight. The Lexilight is supposedly a reading lamp for dyslexic people. This is an LED (Light Emitting Diode) reading lamp. The lamp is supposedly able to mirror the letters. This works because people who are dyslexic have both eyes as dominant, which could mirror the images. The Lexilight is also customizable to that person's needs. The Lexilight has a nice design making it lightweight and comes with a protective cover for carrying. It can be stable on a desk and can also be pointed at a computer to help with reading and any tasks that involve reading. To have the best results, fiddle around with the reading lamp until it becomes perfect. Once you have perfected it, you don't have to change. All you have to do is flick the on or off switch. In my opinion, this is very cool, but it is not cheap costing about $600. Over time I think the price will go down and it will become a lot more accessible to people all around the world.